Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Winter planking blues...

We are learning about the vagaries of southern woods in Canadian climes. The plank was scribed and cut. The come-along was braced, the wood was bending... "crack"... it snapped off clean. In retrospect we were perhaps expecting too much from our imported longleaf pine, or perhaps it was the bend AND the twist that did it. So back to the drawing board, or, more specifically, back to the steambox! This however is the worst plank we have to replace.

The cabin is now closed in and work can begin on constructing a head amidships, a quarter berth at the foot of the aft companionway, and a proper galley.

Behind the scenes the re-enactors are busy plotting a voyage...

Saturday, January 07, 2006

25 below zero...

It feels more like a Frobisher re-enactment than anything else, but if we can work at these temperatures we can do anything! Progress is happening, but slowly. We are almost able to close in the cabin, and the heater will then come into its own. Acquired from Alaska it has a good pedigree.

Bought a fir plank locally at a scandalous price - our own wood is still in Florida but a brave crew is on its way to collect it as I write. Imagine the sacrifice of a week in Panama City and Daytona Beach!!! Covering board removal has revealed some deteriorated upper frames, but nothing too unexpected. It will simply be a question of tackling one job at a time. Volunteers, your time will come...