Sunday, February 12, 2006

Brute force!

The %&@## plank is in! This beautiful image provided by master photographer Harry Foster captures it all. In the end it took a forklift to do the deed. It's a tight fit, and this is good... In the process we learned alot about cold weather steaming, and the stubborness of oak. We also thought about how ships were built before the days of forklifts, and were humbled.

Much remains to be done. A head is being rebuilt, and the main cabin reconfigured. Actually we are putting it back as close as we can tell to what it was originally. This will allow for a quarterberth aft across from the navstation, two berths in the main cabin as well as room for three forward. If we add one or two pipe berths, the accomodations should be adequate.

The sails are being inspected professionally, and are in poorer condition than we had hoped, although as it turns out a storm trisail is part of the inventory.

Well, Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow, so there will be six more weeks of winter, and that means that our epoxy days are still a way away. Until then it's wood and galvanized, and dreamin'

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